- Модули Articles - Newsflash, Articles Single, Bootstrap Tabs, TM Ajax Contact Form, Komento
- Joomla совместимость 3.10.x, 3.9.x
- Joomla версия 3.9
- Анимация HTML plus JS
- Версия Bootstrap 2.3.1
- Программирование 1170 Grid System, CSS 3, HTML 5, JQuery, LESS, Semantic Code
- Доп. возможности Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Responsive, Retina Ready, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Tabs, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, Blog, Gallery, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS
- Применимость Blog, Forum, Gallery
- Скрипт галереи MixItUp
- Языки English
- lastmod 2022-03-06T12:16:21-05:00
- Веб-формы Contact Form, Login Form, User Registration, Search Form
- Ширина 1920px
- Установка Инструкции по установке и настройке включены (находятся в папке Documentation).
- Исходные материалы .PSD, .PHP
- html-key-features <style> .wrap-barnaby-html-key-features{background-color:#fff} .wrap-barnaby-html-key-features *{box-sizing:border-box} .wrap-barnaby-html-key-features img{max-width:100%;display:block} .barnaby-r{position:relative;overflow:hidden} .barnaby-r img{bo
- image-key-features https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/59100/59132-en_01.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/59100/59132-en_02.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/59100/59132-en_03.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/59100/59132-en_04.jpg, https://s.tmimgcdn.com/scr/59100/59132-en_05.jpg, https
- Demo No Index IT, FR, PT, NL, ZH, CS, UK, HU, SV
- marketplace-membership One
- ExcludeExclusive Yes
- Tags agency, art, artist, camera, clean, creative, fashion, gallery, illustrator, image, model, models, modern, painter, photo, pictures, studio, video, website
- author_user_id 1768190
- isFree none
- Types Joomla Templates
- advImage https://s3u.tmimgcdn.com/u1768190/4b6905368ec29e19e595cf2aa51f8633.jpg
- Images included Yes
- Excerpt Such Joomla template as Jessica Bennet is a good way to create a website about photography. It's worth noting that promoting the site created on the basis of this template will be a lot easier.